Capsule Wardrobe: Winter 2014/2015

I know it’s already spring, but I just figured out how to make photo collages (Yay! And thus endeth another battle with technology!) so I’m posting my winter wardrobe late. One day I want to talk more about what a capsule wardrobe is and why I am doing it (for those of you who aren’t already familiar) and why on *earth* I’m blogging about it in the midst of all the other people’s posts about capsule wardrobes (for those of you who *are* familiar with them). But for now, here’s my wardobe. There are a few items that didn’t make it into the shots because they were dirty (like by black and white tees). teescollage

shirtscollagedressescollage completerscollagepantscollageskirtscollagescarvescollage randocollage